Revival Weekend – Leesburg, GA – September 14-15, 2024

Need Peace?
Want to Get Connected?
Have questions on your faith journey?

Join us for a revival weekend at Christ’s Sanctified Holy Church in the greater Albany, GA area of Leesburg, GA.

Join us for a powerful and transformative Church Revival on September 14-15, 2024, in Leesburg, GA. Prepare your spirit for a weekend filled with worship, fellowship, and the presence of God. We offer multiple worship service times to help accommodate your schedule or feel free to come to all of the services. We’d just love to have you join us.

Need Peace?

The most challenging seasons in life are often surrounded with thoughts of confusion, despair, discouragement and discomfort. Maybe you are experiencing a difficult season and you are trying to understand how to move forward. The Bible has a lot to say about how we care for ourselves when we’re facing hardships. And it says even more about how God wants to care for you. Come hear about how cares for you and how you can find only the peace that God can give at the revival services at Christ’s Sanctified Holy Church in Southwest Georgia in the Leesburg, GA area September 14-15, 2024.

Want to get connected?

We all need someone to do life together with – whether it’s grabbing a sandwich, sharing a laugh, or building something. Fellowship is so much more than companionship, though. Fellowship allows us to experience connection with others, gives us strength for difficult times, allows us to share joy and love with others, and is a place of community where you can pray together, build something meaningful together and even change the world together. When you bring your gifts, talents, service, and energy into a group of people, the collective is strengthened, and everyone within the group can benefit. When you see your children, family, friends, and community blessed by your service, it gives you that much more joy and satisfaction, knowing that you can contribute to the whole. If you are looking to understand more about what you can experience through fellowship or if you’d like to get connected to a wonderful place of fellowship, we hope you will join us at our revival services in the hub of southwest Georgia in Leesburg, GA on Saturday, September 14th through Sunday, September 15th, 2024.

Have questions about your faith journey?

Are you experiencing questions about your faith? Maybe you have a desire to know more about God, but you’re unsure about where you should begin. As you continue in your faith journey, you are sure to have questions and how it translates into the person you are today.

If you grew up in a Christian family, chances are Christian influences have surrounded you. However, as you experience more of the world, you will likely increase your exposure to people who confuse you and make you question your beliefs or even God. Come learn what the Holy Bible says and gain more understanding of His word to bring clarity to your faith. Join us at the revival services at Christ’s Sanctified Holy Church in Leesburg, GA on September 14-15, 2024.

What to Expect during the Revival Services

1. Warm Welcome: Expect a warm welcome as someone will be there to greet you at the front doors and assist you in finding a seat.

2. Inspiring Worship: Immerse yourself in the beauty of acapella singing, with hand clapping and toe tapping, as we come together to worship the Lord and lifting your soul to new heights. Many people sing along, so feel free to participate if you feel comfortable.

3. Dynamic Speakers: Be enlightened and inspired by dynamic speakers who will share profound messages of faith, hope, and renewal and readings from the word of God, the Holy Bible.

4. Prayer and Healing: Experience the power of prayer and receive spiritual healing in a sacred atmosphere of love and compassion. An altar call for those who wish to seek the Lord or just prayer is always extended.

5. We Love Children: Bring your children to our services – they’re warmly welcomed! Fill out the Tell Us You’re Coming form below, and we’ll be ready to assist you and your family.

6. Fellowship Extended: Connect with a warm and welcoming community of believers, forge connections, make new friends, strengthen your spiritual bonds, or seek your personal relationship with Christ.

7. Offering: No collection plate is passed around during our services, so don’t worry about missing anything. While we welcome donations, it’s inspired by Christ’s preaching in Matthew 6, “Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.” The Lord has graciously provided for our congregation time and time again.

Intimidated by coming into a church building where you do not know anyone? Don’t worry, many of us are the same way. member, you can plan on someone greeting you at the front of the church to make you feel welcome.