“We Shall Reign on the Earth” Brother Joe Hashemi
This sermon on the Christian experience of reigning over sin…

“The Promises of God” Brother Leon Stewart
During the early 90's, the Charleston crowd hosted a series of…

“The Double Minded Man” Brother Jeff Price
At the Leesburg 2016 Feast Meeting Bro. Jeff Price delivered…

“Christ Triumphs Over Sin” Brother Ty Smith
This week we want to take you back to Campmeeting 2017 to Bro.…

“The Day of Pentecost” Sister Amy Copeland
In advance of Pentecost Sunday, I recommend that you listen to…

“Peter’s Denial” Brother Ray Smith
Reading from Mark 14:29-31 in Camp Meeting 1962, Bro. Ray preached…

“God Has Joined Us in the Fellowship” Montage
We invite you to spend a few moments rolling back the years with…

“Born to Serve the Lord” Brother Mitch Merritt
This week we want to share this message from our Campmeeting…

“Living the Sanctified Life” Brother Gary Collier
Reading, in part, from 1 Thessalonians 4:1-4, “Living the Sanctified…

“Sanctification” Brother Marshall Leary
Bro. Marshall Leary was a physician by trade, but he recognized…