But Arise and Stand Upon Thy Feet by Sis Nettie Hagan at Camp Meeting 1952
Hear a sermon delivered by a dear saint who personifies what…

“Turn Around! Turn Around!” by Bro. Ben Jernigan at Camp Meeting 1983
Bro. Ben gives an excellent sermon on “principles” of doctrine.…

CSHC Clip of the Week’ with Bro. Gene Mustin from Camp Meeting 2016
In Camp Meeting 2016, Bro. Gene Mustin shares pivotal decisions…

“Examine Yourself” by Bro. Glenn Copeland in Camp Meeting 2019
In the opening night of Camp meeting 2019, Bro. Glenn Copeland…

“Psalms 51 and Repentance” – Bro. Jeff Price Camp Meeting 2008
The sword of the spirit can reach right into the most hardened…

“Passing the Torch” by Bro. Leon Stewart in Atlanta Feast Meeting 1991
Please enjoy Bro. Leon Stewart from the 1991 Atlanta Feast Meeting…

“By My Spirit” by Bro. Joe Hashemi at Camp Meeting 2005
Brother Joe brings to us an exemplary message on the kingdom Of God and the work of His Spirit, and the necessity of Christ. Brother Joe’s love for the Word, and the truth it speaks is evident in the passion of his preaching.

“Can These Bones Live” by Bro. George Miller
For this week, please listen as Bro. George shares his passion for the Word and points out Christ as the Savior of the world from multiple passages from the Old and New Testament.

Deliver Us from This Present Evil World” by Bro. Harry Collins Jr. in Camp Meeting 1981
Reading from Galatians 1, Bro. Harry reveals that it takes the Gospel of Christ, which is not another, to deliver us from this evil world. One Lord, one faith, one baptism.

“Search and Rescue” by Bro. Thomas Mustin in Camp Meeting 2012
This week we highlight Bro. Thomas’ “Search and Rescue” message. With all the urgency men seek to save a man lost at sea, the Gospel seeks to save those lost in sin. As we endeavor to resume publishing weekly and our crowds emerge from COVID, we pray for a zeal to preach the Word whether it be in season or out of season.