“The Last Mile” by Bro. Paul Merritt, Sr. 1952
Uncle Paul preaches a sermon on sacrifice and its role in this…

“Faith Without Works Is Dead” Brother Johnny Rogers 2022
Brother Johnny preaches an “instant classic” on the commitment…

“Fear Not, Nor Be Dismayed” Brother Steve Gray
In Camp Meeting 1983, Brother Steve Gray speaks from several…

“Will You Also Go Away?” Bro. Jeff Price- Wilmington Feast Meeting 2017
In the 2017 Wilmington Feast Meeting, Bro. Jeff Price reminds…

“I’m Not Going To Quit” Brother Brian Collier
Sometimes the best sermons don't come at the biggest meetings.…

“It Is The Spirit That We Need” Bro. David Copeland, Camp Meeting 2015
Bro. David Copeland in Camp Meeting 2015 asks "Do you know what…

“God’s Divine Work” by Joe Hashemi Campmeeting
We invite you to tune in and pay close attention to Brother Joe…

Where will you be in 100 years by Bro. Mike Merritt
On an everyday Sunday morning, Bro. Mike delivered a provoking…

Camp Meeting 1989 – The Building of the Temple of God
At Camp Meeting 1989, Bro. Glenn Copeland preaches a sermon on…

“New Life” by Sis. Eva Riggs at Camp Meeting 1951
Christ’s Sanctified Holy Church has a long history of wonderful…